
Hamish the Cat

Hamish McHamish was a ginger cat that lived in St Andrews. He became famous after the book called ‘Hamish McHamish of St Andrews: Cool Cat About Town’ by Susan McMullan was published. Hamish built up a following on social media, with a dedicated Facebook page and Twitter account set up by fans.

Hamish was born some time in 1999 and initially owned by Marianne Baird. In the first year of his life he stayed at her house, but he became increasingly nomadic, being fed and watered at various homes in the town as he wandered around.

He was well loved by locals. He was featured on BBC television's The One Show, and his story also appeared in newspapers across the world.

Sadly, not long after his statue was erected, Hamish passed away, but he will long be remembered with great affection by the people and visitors of St Andrews.

The statue is located in South Street, close to Holy Trinity Church.

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